Nope there is no real weapon tho, just additional mission flags inspired by Metal Slug weapons
List of download Link below :
- 1. Full Flags Weapons A to Z (Total of 26 Flags) - (Icon & Name) - (Complete)
Heavy Machine Gun on MK 1 Lander Can |
- 2. Icon flags Only Weapons A to Z (Total of 26 Flags) - (Just Icons) - (Complete)
Heavy Machine Gun Icon only on MK 1 Lander Can |
- 3. Name Plate flags only Weapons A to Z (Total of 26 Flags) - (Yup Just Names) - (Complete)
Heavy Machine Gun text only on MK 1 Lander Can |
- 4. Different Style A to Z - (In progress)
- 5. Extra (logo, not include icons in main files, etc) - (Coming Soon)
- Just extract zip file you have been download to game installation folder
NOTE : Yes you can have all file above they will not overwrite each others, the reasons why i seperate them is to make more organize folder, sometimes is comfusing to have a lot of file in one folder, errr!
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