Kerbal Space Program Mission Flags but With Metal Slug Weapons Icon

This Monday Kerbal Space Program has sign an agreement with metal slug company. In this agreement Kerbal Space Program is allowed to use weaponry from Metal Slug Company arsenal. "This will help us to make our mission more save and reduce the incident by 10%" said Chief Kerman to our contributor. In return Metal Slug Company was given access to rocket technology Kerbal Space Program had. There is no statement given by Metal Slug Company about this agreement.

Nope there is no real weapon tho, just additional mission flags inspired by Metal Slug weapons

List of download Link below :

  • 1. Full Flags Weapons A to Z (Total of 26 Flags) - (Icon & Name) - (Complete)
Heavy Machine Gun on MK 1 Lander Can
  • 2. Icon flags Only Weapons A to Z (Total of 26 Flags) - (Just Icons) - (Complete)
Heavy Machine Gun Icon only on MK 1 Lander Can
  • 3. Name Plate flags only Weapons A to Z (Total of 26 Flags) - (Yup Just Names) - (Complete)
Heavy Machine Gun text only on MK 1 Lander Can
  • 4. Different Style A to Z - (In progress)
  • 5. Extra (logo, not include icons in main files, etc) - (Coming Soon)
Installation :

  • Just extract zip file you have been download to game installation folder

NOTE : Yes you can have all file above they will not overwrite each others, the reasons why i seperate them is to make more organize folder, sometimes is comfusing to have a lot of file in one folder, errr!

Do you have problem with download link read THIS